back to indian mound reserve

today we went back to one of our favorite ‘new’ parks, indian mound, and hiked the trails along the river to the falls and dam, and along the huge cavelike rock formations.  the leaves were in serious color mode.  on the drive home, i took some typical ohio farm shots after the corn harvest.  i’ll break this up into multiple parts.  here’s the trail to the falls.

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tech regression

today we had to go out and downgrade our phone account to one even lower-tech dumb-phone for E., and an actual wireless landline.  just call us dumb and dumber.  mostly because we’re poor, and partly to find a phone that actually works like it’s supposed to when you need one.  it’s like we’re regressing back to primitive times, just to be able to communicate.  soon we’ll be using smoke signals.  ironic and absurd, to have to resort to lower tech to get the job done, and afford it.  anyway, that’s what’s happening.


erev one year anniversary of leaving the VOE

a year ago tomorrow i left my exile in NJ (Vortex Of Evil) to head for OH via PA.  in honor of that anniversary, here are flowers, herbs and homemade from scratch pumpkin bread.

and lest we thought nothing else could possibly go wrong, more bad news arrived.  E is to the point of f—it, they already got her soul, what’s left to give up?  certainly not thousands of dollars we don’t have which the insurance promised to pay.  and her good credit is now shot to hell, thanks to stupid people, so there’s not much farther down to go.  (famous last words.)

anyway, happy erev.  😉

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