ye olde trail tavern

we were parched from our long trek through the forest, so appropriately we adjourned to our default watering hole, and drowned ourselves in icy refreshments (and pizza, since we were famished by our long ordeal).  as usual we had fun with the jukebox–loaded with classic hippie tunes and beyond.  we were relieved they didn’t burn down recently when their kitchen caught on fire.  this was one of E’s favorite places going way back.  now it’s ours.  we also checked into used bikes, since it appears we’ll be here a while.

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when stuck in ohio for an extended stay, it helps to see things and oneself in perspective.  we hiked through a new (for us) park today, indian mound reserve, where we stood on top of an actual ancient  native mound (burial, lookout, no one is sure). then we hiked for miles through old growth woods along a river to a large waterfall (an old dam where mills used to be).  the huge rock formations dwarfed us.  we  had fun getting lost in the woods.

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mini-rant spoiler alert

i just have to say this: why is it that after every shooting rampage, all the gun fanatics get online and go ballistic on why we absolutely need more access to guns?  i just don’t get it.  because more crazy people are able to use loopholes to obtain guns and shoot lots of innocent bystanders, we need even more of same?  for what, to hypothetically defend ourselves against all the easily-obtained guns?  i already know what my gun-loving friends will say, but it just doesn’t make any sense to me.  left to our own devices, we  humans tend not to self-regulate or use self-control, and we don’t tend to demonstrate those values to our children.  guns are for killing something or someone, plain and simple.  why do we want to make them easier for unstable people to get?  call me simple, but that’s insane and irrational.  ok, that’s my rant.  do not respond unless you have something rational to contribute.
