yesterday we made it to TN while it was still dark, rainy, and foggy, so when the scenery was finally visible we were already near the mountains. it was peculiarly warm and windy.
we hung out with our new friends at Southland Café/ Bookstore, always worthwhile and helpful, then moved into our motel suite.
eventually we drove up the mountain to my son Avdi’s, and got to catch up with my granddaughter Lily after so much time, and then the rest of the family. it was so unseasonably warm and windy that we hung out on the deck in the gazebo with drinks, overlooking a spectacular sunset over the mountains. Lily played electric bass in the loft, and we all talked and played with kids until no one had energy left.
today we spent a packed day hanging out with everyone, watching the kids, catching up some more with Lily and Dot, eating a fabulous homemade indian meal by stacey, sitting around a campfire, meeting some new friends of Dot’s, and finally lugging in the mountain of gifts for tomorrow morning. my car weighs a ton lighter, and i may have lost a pound or two herding kids and dogs.
the strangest thing was how warm it was. everyone was running around in t-shirts and bare feet, sitting outside with cold drinks to cool off, while flowers were blooming, on christmas eve.
i have so many photos, it will take another post or two to get to them all. these are just yesterday’s photos, today’s aren’t even ready yet.