I know I sometimes go on about Whole Foods, but for someone transplanted from the land of plenty to a food/culture wasteland, and for someone who grew up here totally unaware of the wonders of real food, it’s like a paradise of new discoveries around every bend.
E appreciatively using some her gift card (thanks to my kids) for fresh pizza-oven slices and good coffee. This WFM actually has a full beer/liquor bar along with the coffees, not that we partook! Also an amazing food court with sushi, deli, etc. We bought our monthly luxury item, some fresh salmon on sale, and fresh-baked challah(!). We then camped out in the loose bulk section, stocking up on a few fresh coffee beans (another luxury), and lots of rice, lentils, and spices, which are very reasonably priced.
This Whole Foods has a huge selection of binned loose herbs, spices, masalas, salts, teas, etc. from which to choose as little as you need, bag it, and print out the label. I put E in charge of the rices and lentils, while I had fun in spice world. A nice lady from India was trying to figure out the system, so we had fun talking about spices and herbs while I helped her. Finally we tore ourselves away…
…to the ice cream (yes, another luxury), and then home to put some in our freshly ground (for press) coffee! I guess we were celebrating, because E’s new SS card with her legal name change arrived already, which is a big event. (Earlier today, we changed her bank account and debit card, so that was another accomplishment.) Pretty soon all her documents will be updated and consistent.
Here are random pics of: some yummy herbed flatbread E made last night, with some cheese (it having been national cheese day, of course); and the obligatory whole fresh fish mugshots. I used to do the same in NJ, and I guess I missed my finny friends.