Our Own Private Flint

I don’t mean to dwell on our po’ folks problems here in Ohio, because it seems it’s universal to this country. Ironic, in one of the most privileged countries in the world, to have whole populations of destitute people with no access to the most basic necessities like clean water, safe plumbing and sewage systems, etc.  Our neighborhoods just fall in a crack somewhere under the radar, since no one wants to deal with it, regulate it, or fund it.  There’s a lot of corruption here.  Hmm, who could I be referring to?

Regularly once a week now, we have sewage backing up into our basement (I’ll spare you the details) because the city infrastructure is ancient and inadequate, and no one wants to address the real issues, just do a temporary enema  until next weekend.  E bravely goes down there and mops up, and the realtor’s sympathetic plumbing contractors (aging, disabled poor folks themselves) come out yet again and try to help as best they can.  We all stood there in the street, staring down at the sewer under the manhole cover, scratching our heads and rolling our eyes in disbelief.  It’s downright medieval.

We all tried bringing this issue to the city, where it belongs, and make them do their job, because this is absurd and a health hazard.  They eventually show up and lecture E about how she’s just a dumb woman who doesn’t understand plumbing.  Duh, it’s simple physics and gravity (non-existent, in this case).  Somehow it’s the residents’ fault, and we’re supposed to just keep mopping up after a city mess that they are too lazy to address.  It even backs up into the vacant houses, of which there are many here.   It’s literally like a third-world country.  And this is good compared to, say, Flint, Michigan.  You can see why I have culture shock.  Where I’m from, nobody would put up with or allow this BS.

Though I must qualify that statement.  It turns out everywhere you go in this country, there are poor communities who apparently don’t rate high enough to get basic rights and infrastructure, coincidentally in republican-run areas.  These citizens are disposable and invisible.  I just didn’t have to face the reality of it until I moved to this feudal (but affordable) state.  Not surprising that there has been a mass exodus out of here, and property values are rock-bottom.

I even have evidence photos — for official purposes only, don’t panic!  I do have some class.  Instead, here is a picture of how water is meant to flow, unhampered, downhill, with enthusiasm.


42 at John Bryan

It was a beautiful warmish day in winter (42 of course, nature’s default setting), so we paid a visit to JB after all these months.  The streams were high and rushing, and all kinds of plants and mosses were happily thriving in all the rocky nooks and crannies.  Lots of people and big dogs were out hiking.  Remember this is February in Ohio.  I actually brought my phone cam AND took pictures this time.

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Sea Lion

Since a sea lion pup was in the news, I’ve been assigned the topic of sea lion.  I’ve narrowed it down to five fun facts.

  1. Sea lions are found in most oceans EXCEPT the North Atlantic.  We’re not sure why.
  2. Their main predators are whales and sharks, but their biggest threat is man, due to water pollution, competition, and climate change.
  3. Sea lions and seals are completely different animals.  Sea lions have external ear flaps, walk on all fours on land, and use their front flippers to swim.  Seals bounce on their bellies on land, and use their hind flippers to swim.
  4. Sea lions eat anchovies, herring, salmon, sardines, squid, and octopus (much the same diet I would prefer, so maybe I’m actually a sea lion).  They swallow their food whole (which I try not to do), even though they have sharp teeth (which I do not).
  5. A full grown male is larger than a human male, and much heavier, unless you’re really fat.  The pup in the restaurant was undersized due to malnutrition (probably due to conditions caused by climate change caused by man).


There you have your fun sea lion facts.  Flipping awesome.


For my next trick, ‘vertigo’ has been suggested.  This topic is more challenging, because it can mean different things depending on the context.

In this case, an inner ear infection causing dizziness or disorientation was implied.  An inner ear injury, as in a gunshot wound, can also have this effect, as my son and I know all too well.

Acrophobia, an irrational fear of heights, as in the classic movie “Vertigo”, which I won’t elaborate upon here, is associated with this condition.  Vertigo comes from the Latin meaning ‘whirling’, feeling giddy or off balance.

Here’s an interesting related factoid: gephyrophobia, an anxiety disorder or phobia characterized by an irrational fear of bridges, may be partly due to either claustrophobia, the fear of enclosure, or acrophobia, the fear of heights.

Here’s an article with some facts about vertigo and dizziness that may surprise you.  Check it out.    http://www.everydayhealth.com/news/10-surprising-facts-about-dizziness-vertigo/

Well, that should be enough info to make your head spin, see what I did there?  😉

safety net






Here’s an example of living in the underbelly of an already backward state.

E went to trade in some of her old jewelry for cash.  The jewelry store is in the travesty that is the city of Xenia, full of poverty and crime.  The shopkeeper said they don’t keep cash in the store (for obvious reasons), so he wrote a check to be cashed at a local bank they deal with.

It turns out, not surprisingly, that this so-called ‘bank’ was more like one of those pay-day loan shark scams that are so prevalent here.  Not only did they charge a huge ‘fee’ to cash the check, but they FINGERPRINTED her!  Just like a prison state!  And were nasty to her, on top of it.

This is what poor people have to live with in states like Ohio.  They don’t even know there are choices, let alone have access to them.  They get caught in a powerless rut that corrupt politicians keep them in.  This is why we are so out of here, once we can regroup and recover enough to afford to get out.  The people of places like Flint, Michigan, are not so fortunate.



So, as requested, goats.  Goats are the crazy clowns of the homestead.  They are like big kittens.  They’re smart, precocious, mischievous, and can be their own worst enemies.  They will helpfully mow down your entire property if you let them, including poison ivy, invasive vines and weeds, brambles, thistles, and your prize rose bushes—it’s all food to them!  They will hang themselves if you leave them out tethered.  They will use your vehicles for a trampoline, and bawl their eyes out (driving you nuts) if left alone with no friend, the big babies.  They will crawl into your lap like a cat.  They are the opposite of sheep, being devilishly clever rather than mindless drones, which is why I’d rather have goats any day.

There are a couple of things to know if you raise goats for milk.  Always keep the does separate from the buck, (except when breeding), because his nasty smells will permeate the milk.  Keep milking conditions and equipment absolutely clean and hygienic, keep any debris away, and chill the milk ASAP.  That way it won’t smell and taste quite as ‘goaty’.  Make sure you test it for bacteria every so often  You can use goat cream as you would cow’s, if you don’t mind that unique ‘je ne sais quoi’.  I tried making goat cheese once.  Enough said.  Maybe I had too much goaty milk in my life, but I’m not a big chèvre fan to this day.  But if you are, tant mieux alors!

There are many goat breeds, of which I’ve experienced about four dairy breeds: Alpine (French Alps, white and black/brown/etc.), Saanen (Swiss, white) , Toggenberg (Tog) (Swiss, fawn color), and Nubian (black and brown).  The latter originated in North Africa and the Middle East, then was bred with Anglo goats.  Its milk is very high in butterfat, and it can be sort of comical with its floppy ears and drama-queen personality.

My funny goat anecdote–one time a buck took one too many liberties with me (they can be too obnoxious for their own good) so I grabbed his big horns and wrestled him to the ground and sat on him.  Was he embarrassed!  Did I stink!  But it was worth it.  His pride was the only thing injured.  I think he respected me after that.

I don’t know why goats have to be so vilified in religious traditions.  Goats are the smart, clever, affectionate ones, while sheep are dumb panicky followers.  Sheep are good for food and wool, maybe cheese, and require a good herd dog to keep them in line.  Goats have a mind of their own, love to make up fun, devilish games, and think they are adorable kittens.  I’d rather have a goat-like personality and point of view any day.  At least they have one!



Insert Topic Here

OK, my faithful readership of 2.5 people, listen up!  I’m serious, suggest a topic you’d like me to write about, I don’t care how silly.  I need to practice my writing, and the more absurd, the more challenging.  Believe me, I get as bored by my mundane trivia and pontificating as you probably do, so spare us ‘all’ needless pain and give me topics!!  Or else–more boring drivel!  Thank you for playing.   😀

12. mimic & black hole

Heat Wave in Feb.

FB keeps reminding me of how blizzardy it looked this week two years ago in NJ. (See photos, below.)  Today in SW Ohio it continues to be 60 degrees and sunny!  Not that I’m complaining!  It’s just weird.  My internal hibernation clock is all confused.  I imagine I’m not the only one.  People in our local native wildflowers group keep posting unseasonable flowers and plants budding out.  I suspect based on behaviors that some animal and bird species around here are needing to change their migratory habits to adapt to climate change.  I know planting zones have shifted, along with the whole natural paradigm.  Many perennial plants require a deep winter freeze in order to come back properly in spring.  It makes one think, and worry for our children’s children.  C’mon, human race, wake up and grow up, before it’s too late.  If you think ‘rapturing’ out of here and screw the rest of us is an ethical option, think again.  That’s all I have to say.

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