Domestic Partnership

It doesn’t get more domestic than this.  E is industriously making bread and a version of Israeli shakshuka in the kitchen, while I am sitting here at my computer (it’s been raining all night and day, or I’d be outside).  It’s part of my clever conspiracy to get E to cook more—I send recipes her way and see what happens!  My evil plan to be even lazier is working.  Hence, the partnership.

All my seedlings are coming up on all the windowsills.  It’s hard to be patient.  They (and we) want out!  Meanwhile, their future raised beds are turning into a giant litter pan.  Grr.  Does anyone have advice on how to keep stray cats and dogs out of raised beds?  I’m thinking some rolls of mesh or netting for when the seeds and seedlings are just getting started.

Well, bread’s a-risin’, and I’m getting fatter and lazier by the minute, so my work here is done.

Photos to follow…




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