I had a real scare today. My computer refused to function or let me in! I panicked! So much for Don’t Panic.
Backstory: I did a totally routine OS X software update download and install, except that for some reason that no one could figure out, the download and installation just quit and froze in the middle. A couple of shutdowns and restarts later, my computer wouldn’t even let me back in.
Long story short, some really nice Apple tech support guys walked me through the mysteries and fixed it, don’t ask how. We had a lot of fun talking while waiting for my slowpoke computer to stop spinning its wheels and get on with it. One guy happened to live in Nashville, so that gave us some things to talk about. The other was in Connecticut, and went out of his way to resolve my issue. They all work from home, so they can raise their kids and stuff.
Moral of this story: I can’t live without my computer. It’s my lifeline. Life revolves around it. I do all my business on it. It connects me to everything and everyone. I get most of my info through it. It’s like an extension of my self. When I’m cut off like that, it’s like a withdrawal. And being old-school, I don’t have a whole collection of electronic devices to resort to, like most people. It’s not like I can just get online some other way. It just reminds me how dependent I am on technology, and insecure without it. How did we live without it? I’m not even up to speed on the latest tech, but what I do use, I depend on.
I did notice, from talking to my techies, that I’m better at explaining and understanding the basic terms, actions, and steps involved in an issue. I’ll never get all the deep, cryptic concepts and coding going on underneath, but I can at least state the case clearly, understand and follow directions, and keep up, without going all to pieces! I’ve had to figure out and fake my way through so many baffling computer predicaments on my own, that somehow I’ve learned my way around some things. Don’t ask me what or how. It’s a Mystery.
Anyway, thankfully, I’m back for now. And a good thing, because there are all these crucial food things to post about! I made a whole pile of mini-Hamantaschen, with apricot, strawberry, and blackberry fillings. I started the turkey brining, with fresh rosemary, sage, thyme, peppercorns, coriander seed, cinnamon stick, and whole cloves, for tomorrow. I made a fancy Persian rice pudding with sultanas, rosewater, and cardamom. I prepared a Persian glaze for the turkey with onions, sherry, fresh-squeezed orange juice, and cranberry juice (instead of pomegranate). I think I’m outdoing myself again. Maybe I’m making up for lost Purims. Maybe Purim is the “new” Easter. I don’t know, but it’s fun, and keeps me off the streets.
Here are Hamantaschen. There are about 42! (After we sampled a few to make sure they were all right.) You’ll have to use your imagination for the rest of the feast, for now.