We spent the morning wandering around Yellow Springs waiting for a big crowded festive parade, whiling away the time checking out the farmer’s market, getting coffee at the Emporium (with the sofas and books), hanging out at HQ (the Tavern) where I enjoyed a Yellow Springs Captain Stardust (pictured), and still no parade. Just lots of rainbow flags and the usual tourists.
Finally, we found the Pride event hidden away off in a grassy corner of town, almost as if it was still in the closet! They were reading off the names of the Orlando victims, and there were some organization booths with helpful people and info, and some vendors. Not very impressive, but we met some nice folks, a couple of whom were straight parents with young trans kids who themselves were in the process of learning what it’s like to live in an intolerant, uneducated atmosphere with a bully culture. E got to know some people and exchange info, but all in all it was a little disappointing. Ohio is still in its infancy as far as social tolerance and awareness, but at least some groups are making an effort to educate and advocate.