Today I brought in all the herbs and houseplants and set them up for the winter. It’s nice to have greenery back in the apartment, along with the smells of herby Rosh haShanah food cooking. The meal will be along Sephardic middle eastern/Mediterranean lines.
Meanwhile, after having peace and privacy for much of the time we’ve lived here, some new neighbors have moved in. They’re a nice young couple with adorable little kids, pleasant and agreeable so far, but it’s hard to get used to all the banging and traffic of people moving in, day and night. I didn’t get much sleep last night! The timing is good, though, because were headed into indoor weather, and preps for our move in a year, hopefully to a secluded little house in a wooded location. This was our last real gardening season in Ohio.
Here are leafy scenes around the apt.