Now this is the kind of February day I could get behind, if it weren’t for climate change. It was 60°+ out, so after buying some much-needed clothing for E, we went for a short hike at Russ Nature Reserve.
They are doing a lot of good work there, like growing and planting native tree saplings, pictured.
There were some very decorative fungi, looking like undersea life.
We had an exciting encounter with a very exuberant young black lab/jack russell mix named Avery who jumped all over us. Sorry, I didn’t get her picture, so here’s one like her. We are so pet-deprived, I even like dogs now.
Back home at The Almanac, look how springy my seedlings are looking! Just a harbinger of things to come.
Well, that’s about as prosaic as it gets, here at The Almanac. I know we could all do with lighter fare these days, what with all the CRAP! I myself am having an Eeyore kind of day, so I’ll sign off for now.