Our day began by visiting the grave of E’s son, who would have been 36 today. He died at age four. It never gets any easier.
On a lighter note, we checked out a park we haven’t seen in a long time, Sara Lee Arnovitz Nature Preserve. The mood was dampened a bit when we rounded a bend and found a huge tree had fallen on the bridge and totally crushed it, so there was no way through. I did get a few shots of wildflowers and cool ‘shrooms, though.
After an interlude at a favorite Chinese restaurant (and two Tsing Taos later), we revisited the wetlands at Siebenthaler Fen. We didn’t see any beaver action, but we did see one painted turtle, many frogs, some bright blue tree swallows, hawks, and lots of interesting wildflowers (including Jerusalem artichoke, marsh marigolds, celandine poppy, wild cucumber, white rock cress, etc.) We met a very nice fellow nature lover named Rick, and shared plant and animal anecdotes and park lore.
See if you can make out two frogs.