Here at The Almanac, we’re getting the tropical storm effects working their way up from the Gulf through the Tennessee Valley to the Ohio Valley. Lots of wind and rain. Can’t complain.
Being in the same climate band as TN is ironic. This is the TN of the north. I’ve said before OH has been in many ways a boot camp for TN. Ignorance is universal. I think in hindsight, I’ll look back on this forced delay as a chance to work through a lot of karma and crap, to gain more insight into living in poor middle America, and to acknowledge how much worse it could be.
Some days I’m so discouraged and depressed by national news that I hope I die sooner and miss the catastrophe that trump & co. are bringing down upon us. Maybe they think if they drag out the damage longer, maybe ignorant voters won’t see what’s happening in time to vote these criminals out. But it will still be awful for millions of poor, at-risk Americans.
Anyway, back at the present, we carry on, though not always in the best of spirits. Even the Skullies are subdued. That’s all I have for now.