Everyone has their default comfort settings, when they’re feeling insecure. Ours seem to be the Fen, the Tavern, and certain shops in YS. People there are friendly and more progressive. It’s like an oasis of calm in a chaotic storm.
Literal thunderstorms were threatening as we enjoyed all the summer natives starting to bloom in the wetlands, like swamp milkweed, queen of the prairie, wild roses, and others. You could see the rain squall line forming as we headed out of the Fen just before the rain.
We found “our girl” sitting out the weather inside our favorite little shop of period clothing/jewelry/etc. We visited with the cool lady in the art supply store. Our old black cat Mister Eko was camped out asleep on his favorite sofa in the bookstore, as usual.
We ourselves camped out in the Tavern with some local craft beers, and hung out with our favorite wait girl.
When you’re a stranger in a strange land, it sometimes helps to find an alien-friendly refuge.