Here’s our exciting life. We went to the dentist. Out-of-pocket bites! (See what I did there?)
Then we went to the voter registration place because of a troubling matter that could disenfranchise E, even though all the paperwork has been in order for over a year. Thanks, trump. We cleared that up (we think).
Then we visited our friend Ron’s antique shop in town, and caught up. So much gaiety.
Then we ate at the lame excuse that passes for an Italian restaurant around here (think chef boyardee–it’s very sad). When I think of all the awesome Italian joints in NY/NJ, PA, MD, and basically everywhere else, I don’t get what part of Italian they don’t get in Ohio. People here settle for any old slop. I guess I’m just spoiled by normal food.
Then it started to thunder, and as we arrived home, there was this deafening BOOM right near us, like a huge explosion, with repercussions…never heard anything like it. It was unearthly. But we’re still here.
Man, this place is unnerving at times.
Here is a tropical hibiscus flower in the rain.