It’s been raining and storming like a tropical rainforest (like a motherforest!?) almost every day lately. Very unseasonable weather patterns. Not that we were going anywhere. I love the fact that I no longer work in it. There are some benefits to being out of the workforce. Trying to see the bright side of a dark and stormy day.
Likewise, almost everyone I know is experiencing some sort of dark, bleak reality right now, and it’s hard to see the silver lining. I’d like to be the one to tell you it will be all right in the end, but I’d probably be lying. It seems it’s only the exceptional life that doesn’t suck in some way. Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn’t lived it much lately. Don’t think you’re immune.
But even I get tired of being depressing and morbid all the time. You have to keep revising and rethinking, as life keeps pulling the rug out from under you. It’s what real life does. You didn’t sign up for this, it’s no fair, blahblah and so forth, etc. So you cut your losses, take inventory, and readjust your course of action. It’s what you have to do every minute of every day to regain your footing and keep going.
So on a dark and stormy day in bumfuck, OH, I gaze out at the soggy yard and envision, not a shangrila, just a little place to call home, with a garden I can run out to whenever, some pets, bears eating garbage, varmints, whatever they have in TN, minus the rampaging barbarians downstairs. Not a lot to ask for, just some peace and quiet and sanity. Maybe even a glimpse of a longed-for family member, if they’re still around.
Gotta keep some hopes up, ’cause it’s not over yet.