Yesterday, we revisited E’s child in the cemetery (near where the infamous tornado once devastated a whole city). Then we dropped in at Peifer Orchards for some fresh produce.
The peaches that claimed to have been freshly picked this morning turned out to have been shipped in from Michigan. Sometimes it’s Tennessee or Georgia. I mean come on, how hard is it to grow your own peaches?
This state is so sad. All the small farmers were pushed and priced out by the huge industrial feed corn and soybean complex long ago. Now you’re lucky if you can find locally grown anything around here. The miles of corn are like gravestones.
We did manage to score some fresh eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, and squash. Today I made my own version of eggplant parmesan, using some fresh roma tomatoes from my own volunteer plants, seasoned with my own herbs, in place of a sauce.
I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted food. I just couldn’t muster the motivation. But I like the whole idea of being able to create good simple meals with a few fresh-grown ingredients. It’s so primal or something. (I also made some strawberry preserves. Go me.)
Not to be a total buzzkill–our so-called leaders are more than up to that task. !@#$. I’m surrounded by idiocy. All we can do is hope to find a reasonable refuge from stupidness somewhere up ahead, where we can grow our own food, and live in relative peace. Hopefully before the next civil war.