Thinking I’d mow before the eclipse of the century, I went outside, only to discover the barbarian hordes of wild children had raped and pillaged the garden as usual. Their “parents” don’t even bother to supervise or train them to respect others’ property. So discouraging, living here, but it will be over by next year. Also, it was extremely muggy and buggy, so I rescheduled.
I don’t blame the kids; they don’t have good role models to emulate. These “grownups” never learned to take responsibility or respect others. They spit all over the common front steps, toss their trash everywhere, and let their kids run wild. They model ignorant, phobic behavior, and the kids echo their hate-talk. Future white supremacists of America.
But not to sound too negative, I did reap some items of interest from the garden. The milkweed pods have exploded, and I was happy to see a monarch caterpillar on the leaves! Success! Oh, and the volunteer Mystery Melon turned out to be some kind of muskmelon or cantaloupe?! The couple of tomato plants continue to yield bushels. Flowers, etc. are still going strong. We must glean some good from wherever “fate” has placed us at the moment. Moments, like eclipses, never last.
In tribute to the solar eclipse (and my grandson’s birthday), here is a sunny summer Bohemian pils from Breckenridge Brewery, CO. Cheers!