I took one of those silly online science quizzes that purport to guess your ed level. The questions were obviously meant for kids at elementary school level. I absentmindedly missed a few (double negatives mix me up and other excuses), but most were ridiculously easy. It was mostly basic stuff I remembered from back in prehistoric times. The result claimed I was a PhD!? Now that’s scary, or just typically bogus. I hope it has no bearing on the state of education today. Although looking around me here, I suspect it may be that degenerated.
If there were a comical scifi movie about these trump times, it would be “Forth to the Past”. If someone traveled forward in time to now, instead of progress and advancement as expected, it would seem as if we had reversed and devolved backwards. You’d think your time machine settings were malfunctioning or needed recalibrating. Or your brain was on drugs. And every new day brings another reversal toward more primitive, savage times.
It’s still mind-boggling to contemplate such denial of facts, reason, and reality in the 21st century, but maybe humans, like music trends, can only progress so far, then hit a brick wall of brain lapse and go spinning off into the void for a decade or so, until something or someone finally breaks through the stupor. Unfortunately, it usually gets worse (e.g. world war) before it can get better. Unless the next Ice Age comes first.
Not to be too pessimistic or anything.
*Kalki=Hindu destroyer of filth, foulness, darkness, and ignorance; harbinger of end times. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ;D