The holiest day of the Jewish calendar, the Day of Atonement, begins this evening. We must get right with our fellow humans, starting with those closest to us, the most challenging and uncomfortable. We must forgive and ask forgiveness of each other, before g-d will consider wiping our slate clean for the new year. Or so they say.
Whether you believe or not, it can never hurt to search your soul and make things right. Whether it’s g-d or karma or just cause-and-effect, the consequences of our actions can ripple down generations and hurt many loved ones. I’ve seen it firsthand, and so have you. I still have many regrets from past scars I’ve caused, or family left me with.
We are all accountable for our actions, starting with myself and ending with our rulers, trump et al in particular. I don’t say “leaders”, because true leaders serve the needs of their people, not vice versa. We can’t control them, but we can examine ourselves and not repeat the sins of our predecessors.
On a lighter note, here are erev scenes. Since we always eat our one daily meal early in the day, it works out for *attempting* to fast. We’ll see how that goes! The Skullies are in symbolic sackcloth (actually old socks, so sockcloth?) as befits the solemn spirit of the holiday. Somber, aren’t they! Wipe those grins off your faces!