Here is a Mt. Carmel (Cincy) Nut Brown Ale and some other festive seasonal stuff, to lighten the mood for Sukkot, starting Wed. eve.
I can’t describe how liberating it feels to not run the hazing gauntlet to and from our front door. It turns out the realtor didn’t even know they had moved out, until we let them know!
To add insult to injury, they removed and stole the actual apt. carpeting (ew?), not to mention all the other vandalism and damages they left in their wake. We know the landlord is not amused, and hope he catches up with their sorry asses.
This is why we just want to find a quiet, private, secure place to live, without ignorant neighbors minding our business. Then we can decide for ourselves who to have dealings with, on our own terms. For E especially, it’s all she has to hope for, and as for me, after this sobering experience, it will seem like a luxury.
The garden beckons, minus the minefield, so off I go…