Not much to say today. I’ve reached bad news overload; E keeps me abreast of the latest trump lunacies. How do people tolerate such insanity? We fear we won’t live to see our country restored to where we left off, before It the Evil Clown took us back to medieval times.
Always nagging at the back of my mind is my TN family’s sad predicament, and my current inability to help. All I can do is wait it out.
Closer to home, I’m having one of my typical anxiety attacks over stupid tech stuff that I’m not savvy enough to reconfigure before I lose it. I feel like a relic of a bygone century, and there’s no one to help! Aagghh.
At any rate, there’s always a good microbrew, in this case Iron Line (OH) coal pusher porter, perfect for the first fall chill.