After making two of her famous savory “Pies Italiano” (with smily faces), E and I went to our favorite Yellow Springs haunts on a dark, rainy evening.
We had a good Bell’s best brown ale at the Tavern, which was looking appropriately haunty, ducked into Dark Star to visit Mister Eko the cat and his humans (and buy some cookbooks), and then saw the excellent movie “Victoria and Abdul”, with Judi Dench and Ali Fazal at the Little Art Theatre. The cozy red vintage venue, filled with oldster Dench-o-philes, all cackling out loud, was just the right viewing atmosphere for this beautiful Victorian/Indian story.
It’s still rainy and chilling down, which is the way I feel right now. Of course all our winter supplies were packed up somewhere for moving long ago, but we make do. Nothing a little bourbon can’t alleviate.