Yesterday I did the unthinkable: forgot to take my cell cam on a hike at the Narrows! I may be the lowest-tech photographer on earth, and I don’t even own a smartphone, but I never leave home without my dumb-cam. Distracted, I guess. Here is what I discovered:
- I’m a nature-photo-freak. I was having withdrawal symptoms! It was unpleasant but revealing.
- I’ve come to view my surroundings through a photo-eye, always looking for unique angles, light, and framing techniques. It gives me a sharper appreciation for every little thing in nature, but my other senses take a back seat.
- Without my photo-appendage, I had to resort to simple enjoyment of the general autumn beauty, with my other senses kicking in. I wasn’t distracted by getting just the right shot. There were masses of pastel asters of all kinds, and falling leaves in every shade of fire. The wind was up, and it smelled that peculiar transitional aroma of fall.
- Also I got more exercise.
I will not repeat that lapse again!
To somewhat make up for it, here are some typical scenes of Ohio. I believe my main takeaway from here will be:
- SKY. So much sky. Extreme sky.
- BEER. Many fine beers. (e.g., this Iron Line Midtown Station amber ale, pictured.)
- Yellow Springs, an island of progressiveness in a backward sea of feed corn and soy.
- Beautiful prairies and wetlands.
- And…back to sky and beer.
I’ll definitely be overcompensating for my lapse when we make our long-awaited pilgrimage to Hocking Hills State Park, the motherlode of gorgeous photo-opps. Coming soon, resistance is futile.