Yesterday we stocked up on squashes and apples at Peifer’s. Mostly we played catch with the old farm dogs. There can never be too many photos of crazy gourds and pumpkins. There were many varieties of apples as well, but I was distracted by alien lifeforms.
Not to be outdone by dogs, we then had to visit Mister Eko at Dark Star (and grab a few cookbooks while we were at it). Here he is in his usual position, guarding books. Of course, we adjourned to HQ, the Tavern, for some beers. We’ve made some nice friends at these places of business in Yellow Springs, and will miss them.
E made some Bat Noodles with her new bat cookie cutter! Here they are drying. And needless to say, we voted today. There are virtually no progressives to vote for in this little podunk place, but we did our best with the few we had to work with. Soon we’ll be out of here, anyway.