If you’re ever feeling desperate and hopeless, just watch a doc about what Hurricane Sandy, caused by climate change, did to already impoverished New Yorkers. Not that it helps much, but it will give you a whole new appreciation for what you’ve still got.
*[Actually, this is an excellent but sobering series about climate change: https://www.amazon.com/Years-Living-Dangerously-Showtime-Episode/dp/B00NDOZ92E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1510332731&sr=8-1&keywords=years+of+living+dangerously+season+1 ]
It was utter devastation for many after the Superstorm. While we in suburban NJ were uncomfortable in the cold, with no electric for a couple of weeks, with a frail elderly parent to take care of, that was nothing compared to the coastal destruction, months of virtual homelessness for hardworking poor parents and children, long waiting lists for help, and nowhere affordable to return to.
Developing nations have nothing on third world America. Not that it’s a competition. But it will make you think twice, the next time you have a first world white “problem”. We are so fortunate to have a roof, utilities, food, and any income at all. Beyond that, any decent conditions or human rights are evidently not to be taken for granted in a country run by greedy, unscrupulous bigots.
On that cheery note, erev cheers from The Skullies! 😉