Unlike the early morning sun, struggling and finally surrendering to the icy white sky, we continued to hold out for a quick, successful resolution to the house inspection suspense, and were rewarded today with news that the seller has agreed to fix and pay for the roof and other required repairs for the FHA loan. Relief! Now we can proceed to the closing next month.
We lead a pretty simple, spartan old-people life now, so for us this is a big deal, probably one of our last. We’ve already downsized by necessity from our separate past lives, so we’re traveling pretty light compared to many people. Buying a home this late in life, or at all, is a new experience for me especially, and probably for most oldsters. We hope to arrange it so if anything happens to one of us, the house will get paid off and the survivor can manage to subsist. That way, I won’t be a burden on anyone.
I’m told this snowy freeze-in is the more typical winter weather for this area, and that the last few relatively warm, dry winters were the exception. Either way, we’re looking forward to a more southern exposure. This arctic crap is for masochists (IMO). D: Also, not having the sewer back up in our basement every five minutes will be nice. We won’t even have a basement!