It was a few degrees F outside as we headed out to take care of more house-related business, this time homeowner’s insurance. Just as it still was when we returned, hours later. It barely made it to double digits today.
When we left, the city was once again cluelessly, ineffectually not addressing our nonfunctional sewage infrastructure for the >dozenth time, and when we returned, it seems the city had once again revisited the alleged gas leak issue, since the previous two occasions of digging up our whole yard were evidently not sufficient. This is the price of being the invisible poor in the USA. We will not miss this depressing place.
Owning a home, even a tiny one, will not come cheap either, but at least we won’t be so much at the mercy of apathetic, lazy local public “services” which only serve the interests of certain classes. I will say, living here in the primitive midwest has been…educational.