The moving parts appear to be falling into place, one by one. It’s been a long time coming.
Having once lived in TN for four years, I know it’s no Shangri-La, or even extremely different from here. I think in general Tennesseans are superficially more warm and friendly, move at a slower pace, respect people’s boundaries and privacy more, and don’t seem as apathetic, mediocre, and drab as people in the midwest. I’m under no illusion about the southern god-and-guns culture. But at least they have trees and mountains, and the growing season is longer. Knoxville seems to be much more open to diversity, tolerance, and entrepreneurial energy than places like Dayton. It is what you make of it.
I never get my hopes up until the actual, tangible goal is in my face, so you may not see the proverbial champagne popping yet, but it will come. (It’s more likely to be beer or bourbon.) I just want to see my son and grandkids for the brief time remaining, and hopefully play some minor role in making their lives happier, while I still can. Beyond that, I’ll try to make the most of the opportunity I’ve been afforded. I’m very aware that many humans don’t get a reprieve in their lives, so I don’t take anything for granted.