Today was not a celebratory day, more of a bittersweet one, what with my son’s sad personal event. Even the weather was tearing up.
We reserved our van and moving truck for the closing and final move, then adjourned to HQ, the Tavern, where we enlisted more moving help from our server girls. Between several people, we think we’ll have the help we need at this end lined up.
Then we visited our helpful folks at Ravenwood to get some items to “purify” the new premises.
We’ll miss some of the friends we’ve made doing business here. We’re glad we’ll have a guest room for them to visit.
Any major change in life can be overwhelming and scary, especially starting over later in life. You just have to take it one mindful step at a time, testing your footing first to avoid slippery slopes of the past. Most of life is taking chances; you learn in time which to avoid and which ones to seize.