As chaotic as a major move can seem, for an OCD chaosphobe (?) like me it can be a great advantage.
There’s no more effective organizing/purging force than having to sort, filter, and prioritize all your crap. By the time most of it is packed, what you’re left with is the basic essentials of your life, not coincidentally the same items you’ll need first at the other end. Y’know, coffee, booze, stuffed animals, toilet paper, the important things in life.
Here’s how OCD I am: every box is color-coded for our unloading convenience. Ten different colors in combination codes, to indicate categories. Roll your eyes, but I’ll have the last laugh.
It’s always interesting to be reminded of how few actual necessities and important keepsakes there are amidst all the piles of accumulated stuff. It reduces you to your material essence. Which of course is very different from your actual nature or core, but it reveals a lot about your priorities.
All systems appear to be GO for liftoff. The timing and costs will be very tight, and then we’ll have to tighten the belt even more after landing, but we’ll make it. We’re much more fortunate than the average person in our position.