
Tennessee weather is full of surprises.  This week it seems we have monsoon season.

In between gushers yesterday, I worked on cleaning up more garden beds around the house.  Now all we need is some plants (i.e. $$)!  I found my first little toad here, and relocated it to a safe place.  Some baby birds sat nearby and watched me work.  Every morning “herds” of rabbits ignore me as they graze on the lawn.  (Sorry, no zoom lens.)  I know my raven friends are moving in closer to eat the yummy scraps I leave them.  It’s good to see more wildlife making itself at home.  My evil plan is working.

Meanwhile, the rain is allowing the veggies and fruits to finally advance beyond stunted to doubling in size.  I even spotted a few pole beans on the fence, finally.


And your daily obligatory poppies, etc.–

Today it’s back to monsooning, which is fine by me!  I can’t be contained when it’s raining.  It’s my element.



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