More Ephemerals

I find these ordinary, mundane plant developments to be fascinating and photogenic, as well as therapeutic.

I didn’t realize redbuds were in the legume family–look at the seedpod growing right out of the bark, where flowers were!  The new leaves are beautiful. too.

These very different flowers are both in the allium/onion family.  One is a weed, the other an ornamental bulb, but they’re both unique.

Bachelor’s buttons/cornflowers come in rainbow colors–

I’m always happy to see the first nasturtiums and poppies blooming.


At the best of times it’s sometimes a struggle to feel hopeful or motivated, and this past week wasn’t one of the best times.  Mourning a loss while being pretty sick and confined indoors sucks, but I keep reminding myself, my son and grandkids and brothers are alive, I’m relatively healthy, I have a nice garden and house to live in with a good friend, and many other privileges.  Some people take those for granted, but many more can’t.  I’m learning to appreciate the seemingly small but essential things.  I’m more aware than ever how ephemeral they are.

Erev cheers.