There’s a lot to be said for keeping life as simple as possible. I know from experience that life can get very complicated, but some of that we bring on ourselves. It’s taken me most of a lifetime to sort myself out and eliminate most of the unnecessary BS and drama.
I avoid delving back into the dark past, mine or my family’s, but when I do, I’m confronted with a history of confusion and misguided priorities, mostly my own, but it came from somewhere. Every family has its secret, sordid dynamics that get passed down in some form. If we’re smart, we see it and break the pattern before it affects our kids and loved ones. Some of us are not so smart! But better late than never.
So in this latter chapter of my life, I may seem to be simple-minded and boring, but it’s just me trying to keep it simple and avoid complication and stupidness. There’s enough of that to go around in the world. Just turn on the news, which I don’t do much of anymore, for just that reason. Vegetables and fruits are smarter than these morons. Flowers have more power to do good, and look better doing it. The other day I even saw a wild rat who was more intelligent than trump, which isn’t hard to do.
And now, your daily news: