One thing this state doesn’t do half-assed is weather! When it rains, it pours buckets for a week at a time, with plenty of sound effects! Not that I’m complaining; the seeds I just sowed germinated within days, and everything else is finally starting to flourish, instead of sitting around in suspended animation. My sunflower/morning glory fence is more like a flower wall. My baby pool stays permanently filled with rainwater, which I use for watering and foot-washing. The birdbaths stay filled with mobs of bathers.
Unlike weather, the manmade elements we keep discovering in our new old house continue to amaze us with how dangerously amateur and nonsensical they are. Yesterday, half the electric suddenly went out, and it turned out the breakers (in an outside box?!) and house wiring were so screwed up, it’s amazing we haven’t burned down already. The grounding is almost non-existent, and electrical components are mismatched and hillbilly. Off to Lowes, our other home, we went, and E replaced breakers and wiring, with a thunderstorm threatening, of course. But we’re back up and running. Good thing someone knows how to do stuff!
Well, back to flowers, a subject I understand much better. I caught these in between thunderstorms.