So here is my final post using the old FB format.
I cleaned up the space and compost pile behind the shed, with a temporary bench and some makeshift birdbaths, as a place I can go to just sit and think. It’s not much, but it’s a start. There are mushrooms growing in the adjacent field.
Here’s a view of the shed through pokeweed growing along the fence. I don’t care if poke is a weed, I think it’s pretty, and birds love the berries.
The sunflowers, morning glories, and other flowering vines I planted along the fence have turned into a colorful flowery screen, attracting hummers, goldfinches, cardinals, bees, and many other pollinators.
Black-eyed susans and others keep reblooming and cheering things up. It may seem boring and mundane, but growing and attracting all this wildlife keeps me sane through all the discouraging changes.
Finally, the peppers are doing something! And the pumpkins are still doing their thing.