Late summer is drawing to its grand finale of color bursts, and of our first season in E. TN. It’s been…different.
Some days I look out and wonder what I’m doing here, but I remind myself that although the rationale that brought us here got undermined, it doesn’t mean it’s the end. It’s a scary unknown, but every new chapter is. Surprises can work both ways, occasionally even for the better. You just have to make the most of where you landed, and be glad for a clean slate of possibilities.
Some of my wish came true–I get to spend some time with my son, before he moves on. Circumstances have changed drastically, and the future is hard to foresee, but we are more fortunate than most. In a way, my son got a new lease on life, young enough to recover and resume living more authentically and true to himself. And we are privileged to be here for him in whatever capacity helps in his transition.
Meanwhile, we have a piece of land with potential to transform into a restored wildlife habitat, to share with whatever lifeforms happen through, and to make them feel welcome. Whether that’s family, an animal or human friend, a volunteer native plant, or whomever we have the honor to host, we are the lucky ones. We don’t get to keep anyone or thing forever, anyway, we just get daily chances to choose what’s important, and make it count.
And now, back to your daily boring veg installment.