Fliers in the Rain

It’s been raining for days.  I’m thinking of my son, leaving his kids behind in FL and flying towards an echoey house.  We’ll try to alleviate some of the emptiness.

I’m still trying in vain to catch a hummingbird in the act.  This morning I saw a colorful male at the feeder, but it’s just a blur in my photo.  The other bird was kind enough to oblige.

The morning rabbits are getting huge mowing the lawn, but they’re somehow still able to lumber out of camera range.  The chipmunks are almost as big as squirrels, and faster.  It’s like Animal House under our shed.

Meanwhile, the wall of flowers is happily soaking up the rain.  And we’re off to do our little part in our State primary.  Hopefully some stupid complacent people will stay home and let the smarter people make a difference.



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