
It’s a pretty sad state of affairs in our country when we’re cheering any news of serious criminal corruption charges against trump politicians that could incriminate our mob-boss-in-chief.  It’s hard to have faith in our system, when there are no longer any reliable checks and balances, and trumpsters can get away with any illegal, unconstitutional actions they choose.  At this point, if we can even revert to where we left off before he took over, it will be an improvement.  It may be too late for our environment, though.

I’m already feeling sad and dejected at being cut off from my grandkids.  I realize this is nothing compared to families being torn apart, caged, and deported.  Or LGBT people being abused and rejected by their families and denied essential healthcare.  Or all the other atrocities being perpetrated and condoned by this despicable sleaze-ball in power.  I still have some access to my family and to basic necessities of life.  What more could I ask?

Sorry, sometimes the world just seems like too much.  And now, back to more natural thoughts.





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