This seems crazy, but I had to harvest my pumpkins in early August! Their vines dried up, and they seem to be ready, prematurely. My seasonal sense is all thrown off, here in TN.
The good news is, I suppose, that the same blight or whatever it is killing off many of the vegetable plants is also slowing down the avalanche of yellow squash! I was running out of new, creative uses for the stuff. The freezer is already crammed with it. I can’t even give it away. What was I thinking?!
Ironically, the zucchini, normally an invasive fiend, is also drying up. How do you kill zucchini?! I think the soil here is questionable at best, but nothing I can’t fix over time. Not like I’m going anywhere. I appear to be planted here, as well. Like plants, I can’t just up and relocate, except through my progeny, scattered to the winds.
Speaking of seeds, here we have (surprise!) more flowers, some new baby oak leaves that look like flowers, and said pumpkins. Weirdly, the seeds from that same Ohio pumpkin also produced a couple of gourd-like poser freaks. Nature, gotta love it.