The Long Way Home

If my son was not in a big hurry to get back home to an empty nest, he succeeded in that at least!  First he was delayed getting his rental car, then he had a flat on the way, and had to limp back on the spare.  Instead of stopping off here for lunch, he had to go straight back to return the stupid car.  I feel bad for him, with all he’s already going through, and about to face.

Meanwhile, we’re still here, watching nature take its course, as it reliably does.


Reds and Blues

No real surprises came out of our latest primary–it’s still a predictably red state, after all.  Some up-and-coming new Dems held their own against their Repub. counterparts to run in the General, but mostly it’s what you’d expect, good ol’ boys.  Our county mayor is now some pro-wrestler with little civic experience, just to give some indication of the mentality here.   What’s a county mayor even for?

We still have to hold onto hope that our psychopath-in-chief will inevitably shoot himself in the @#$ with all his treasonous criminal behavior, and his dumb sheep will finally wake up to the destruction he’s causing, when it ultimately affects their bottom line.  Sadly, all of us will suffer the consequences of his dementia for decades to come.  That’s my dispirited mini-rant of the month; and now, back to the usual vacuous stuff.

There’s always some more flowers.  I miss the kids.  Cheers.


Voting in TN

We were a little nervous going into our voting place this time, after our first experience, where they entered me incorrectly as the other party, and tried to give me the wrong ballot.  Was it intentional, or just their default setting, we’ll never know.  You have to walk the gauntlet of staunch conservatives just to get in and out.

Like last time, there were very few voters there.  This time I made a point of making sure the volunteers got it right.  The only oddity was getting used to the manual voting method, where you have to actually turn a physical wheel to get to the next section.  So quaint!  I kept poking the screen, to no avail, but the patient volunteers helpfully set me straight!

Now we just have to wait and see if TN can get its act together and vote some of these imbecile good ol’ boys out and some intelligent new people in.  The suspense is killing me.  The truth is out there.  I want to believe.

Fliers in the Rain

It’s been raining for days.  I’m thinking of my son, leaving his kids behind in FL and flying towards an echoey house.  We’ll try to alleviate some of the emptiness.

I’m still trying in vain to catch a hummingbird in the act.  This morning I saw a colorful male at the feeder, but it’s just a blur in my photo.  The other bird was kind enough to oblige.

The morning rabbits are getting huge mowing the lawn, but they’re somehow still able to lumber out of camera range.  The chipmunks are almost as big as squirrels, and faster.  It’s like Animal House under our shed.

Meanwhile, the wall of flowers is happily soaking up the rain.  And we’re off to do our little part in our State primary.  Hopefully some stupid complacent people will stay home and let the smarter people make a difference.



Rain Flowers for Y

This week’s weather is: indefinite rain.  Not that I mind; it’s raining!  It’s also unseasonably (?) cool for August, in the 70s, probably typical for TN.  My favorite weather for going outside.

Here are flowers for my youngest granddaughter’s birthday today, the only kind I can give her now that she’s in FL.  Stay happy, Y.