Since my last post, a sukkah has been built, thanks especially to E, who did the actual work, with a little help from YT. It’s more like a Tardis, except maybe not much bigger on the inside. But it serves the purpose, and it’s our first sukkah in TN.
Next, our newest house guest turns out to be a mouser, or at least a chipmunk-er. She tortured this poor little guy for hours, but it did afford me a close-up photo-opp.
Yesterday, as is our new tradition, my son came over to work, eat, sleep, and hang out. The kitty readily assimilated him into the Borg, er, Family. Avdi was our first visitor to the sukkah, which was unofficially sanctified with beer.
Today, E’s birthday, will hopefully also be honored with his presence. More on that later.