Fiery Flowers

Waiting in suspense to see what kind of cataclysm Hurricane Florence will be, this is one time I’m glad we’re so landlocked.  Nowhere coastal is safe anymore.

Nobody can tell us such historically catastrophic, more frequent storms are not caused by climate change.  But our nutcase-in-chief continues to live in his delusional world where all is “terrific”.

Meanwhile, before the deluge, here are some fiery flowers of late summer.


To a Violet New Year

Lest you think I’m totally lazy, I went and lugged the push mower around the whole yard in the hot sun for hours.

Back on the porch, the two cats were yowling territorially at each other–she thinks she owns the place now, and the black one is not amused.

Meanwhile, the hideous crime scene is rapidly turning an innocent violet.  Soon they’ll never know.


I know, a funny way to prepare for Rosh Hashanah, but if you think about it, it’s appropriate.  A new year, a clean slate, a fresh start.  Out with ghastly orange assaulting the senses, in with a more serene, peaceful atmosphere.  Violet, not violent!  Subtle.  Perhaps symbolic?  Hmm… if only life could imitate paint!  (If only my camera wasn’t color-blind!)


Violet Makeover Day 2

Day 2 of E painting the kitchen and me “whip-cracking”.  I’m a whipper-cracker.  To answer the question you didn’t ask, you wouldn’t want me attempting to paint.  She’s the expert, I’m more like a finger- painter.

So I stick to what I do best, gardening, cooking, and taking up space.  Here are some erev Rosh Hashanah latkes I made, Indian style.  And the inescapable flowers.

More after-shots as they develop.  Soon all evidence of “hideous bloodbath rust” will be gone.



My excuse for a phone cam doesn’t begin to capture the transformation of this wall from hideous gore to lovely pale violet.  I’ll try again in different light, when the work continues tomorrow.  Suffice it to say, it’s already like a different room.  E does it again.  I’m just a witness.  If I tried it, it would be like a psych ward.

Exploring Our Town

The best thing about Knoxville, of course, is that my son is around.  But it’s a wonderful city in itself, as we are discovering with the help of our fabulous tour guide.  Just for the mere agreeable price of accompanying him (and providing a D.D.), we get the privilege and enjoyment of his company as he proudly shows off and discovers the old and new wonders of this remarkable town.  The only thing better would be his extended residence in the area.  But we are thankful for the here and now.

Some of the highlights of our explorations in the Old City were:

The amazing, cavernous castle-like Schulz Bräu Brewing Company, with its huge brewing tanks, great German beers and snacks, and large open beer garden with live music.

The fabulous Phoenix Pharmacy and Fountain, an actual historical drug store and old-fashioned soda fountain with all the genuine fixings, floats, phosphates, and excellent homemade ice cream.

The trendy new PostModern Spirits craft distillery and tasting room, in the impressive Jackson Terminal Building, where we enjoyed lovely creative craft cocktails with fresh herbs.

In between stops, we strolled through Old City, as our experienced tour guide pointed out landmarks and potential places to check out later.  It was a steamy late summer night, and music was pouring out of brewpubs and a wide variety of ethnic eateries with outdoor seating.  There is so much restoration, development, art, and entrepreneurial spirit concentrated in this smallish historical section of town.  The crowds tend to be a mix of young and older, diversity, and casual friendliness.  There is a distinct LGBT presence evident under the straight southern surface.  It’s very encouraging and refreshing, after witnessing the depressing decline of midwestern cities.

It seems we’re not too old and boring to be Avdi’s willing research guinea pigs!  Fortunately for us!