To a Good and Sweet Year

It’s not quite Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, but since my son was over for our usual erev meal, I thought I’d cook up a special preview.  In addition to the symbolic apples and honey (for a good and sweet year), I prepared a Southern harvest-themed meal, including homegrown spicy roasted pumpkins, green beans, corn, tomatoes, and…grits!  When in Tennessee…

Here are festive flowers, plus my favorite part of erev–my son at work in our office!


A Purrr-pose for Everything [groan]

I’m not neglecting my photo duties; we had to take the car in for a time-consuming repair–ouch$$$.  Automotive healthcare is expensive; no wonder we have to neglect our own!

Anyway, I’m back with your daily feline/floral dose.  We finally succumbed to kitty pressure and bought some cat food today.  I mean, we’ll need it later anyway, when we adopt some kittens, right?  Needless to say, she approved.  Her evil plan is working.  She just makes the daily rounds.


Camo Cat

How is it this cat manages to perfecting blend into the décor, as if she’s just another throw pillow?  It’s like she planned it, the little trickster.  But lest you think I’m cat-obsessed, here are random other seasonal developments: veg harvest, poke berries, yummy biscuits by E, a large bumblebee hanging from a small flower, and autumn leaves.




How can you say no to a face like this?  She’s everywhere–literally cat on a hot tin roof, on the deck, on the back porch waiting for the door to open and milk to be served, then you can guess where.  She walks along with me as I photograph masses of morning glory faces turned toward the sun.  She’ll have to remain an outdoor cat (officially at least) until we figure out where she belongs.  She earns her keep pretending to monitor rodents, and by being a cat.


Yesterday, E made chicken pot pies from scratch, with a biscuity dough and including homegrown veggies.  (We froze one.)  They were excellent.

This morning, after another overnight rain, everything was dripping and flowering.  There were mountains of morning glories and others.  Also, lichens seem to really thrive here.



Hummer Wars

Testing home vids of hummingbird wars–three hummers were reenacting Jedi warfare with humming light sabers over the nectar feeder, complete with loud cheeping and kung fu moves!  We’ve never witnessed such aggression by tiny birds!  (I’m not good at videos, so bear with me.)

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This cat knows how to maneuver her way to the top!  Here she is, decadently lounging in her kitchen, the wily hustler.  Note the clever use of camouflage.  Somehow she even got us to provide her with kitty “facilities”, so I guess it’s only a matter of time until kitty treats appear.  E has been assimilated.  RIF.

I did manage between servant duties to take some flower shots, so I still know my priorities.  For now.


Persuasive Powers and Flower Towers

Yesterday evening, after my son got his day’s work (and workout) done, we all hung out some more, including the friendly cat, who has insinuated herself into every nook and cranny.  It’s hard to say no.

It takes a lot to get us old cave dwellers out on the town, or out period, but my son used his persuasive powers to check out a cool Brit-style pub nearby.  There was not much genuinely British about it, except some beers and the logo, but they had a vast array of craft brews on tap and bottled, many of which were new even to my son.  And typical of TN, they had a pleasant family/dog-friendly outdoor beer garden along a railroad track, where a train roared by just a few yards from us.  We had a nice time trying beers and hanging out.

After more overnight rain, there were towers of morning glories all along the fences in the foggy early morning.