Yesterday we all returned to Avdi’s house to work on repairs, installations, and landscaping. There were dark, menacing clouds hanging over the mountains, straight out of an old Japanese B&W monster movie, but later on it turned into a gorgeous sunset.
The day was just right for working indoors and out. We got a lot done, then checked out The Bird and the Book, Southland Books and Café’s new pub/restaurant, a first for all three of us. Lastly, we enjoyed some of D&V’s wonderful homemade (including crust) pizza.
This morning it was in the chilly 30s, almost “freezing”, so I guess it’s officially Fall. Almost time to hibernate, but not quite. We have a lot of work to do yet, but it’s mutually beneficial teamwork, on top of the pleasure of my son’s company.
Here is “our” kitty overseeing her vast estate, and the beautiful sunset over Maryville.