So, weather trivia. Weather is a nice, safe subject, right? Except when it’s somehow “political”!
For example, I believe we just beat the record low for this date in Knoxville, 24°, because it dipped to 23° early this morning. The average low for this date is 44°. Similarly, the average high is 67°, whereas our high today will be about 45°, more like the average low.
Being Tennessee, of course it will fluctuate back up into the 50s or even 60s over the weekend. But the fluctuations seem more extreme lately, and not just here, as we all have witnessed.
(By the way, in Sydney, Australia right now it’s in the 60s, headed for ~70°. Just for the sake of conversation.)
Pretty innocuous stuff, normally, but we are not in normal times, and even the weather reflects the irreversible damage humans are inflicting upon our planet. We each have our pet world issue, and one of mine is the environment. Habitable planets are not disposable or recyclable.
But back down to earth. Normally, right after Misu the Cat eats breakfast, she’s out the door to hunt. This morning it was so cold, she didn’t even stop to check it out. She fled to the warmest, coziest corner of the house and hunkered back down. That was a first. She’s smarter than some humans. She recognizes facts when she sees them.