Here’s my plug for voting: if intelligent, progressive-minded people don’t vote, then stupid, hateful people will continue to determine our future, and it won’t be pretty for any of us.
One vote may seem useless, but one vote multiplied can mean the difference between you and your kids living in a sustainable, inclusive, healthy, affordable state, or living in a fascist, dying world. You have the right–and responsibility–to choose progress, civility, and ethical practices.
Or you can choose complacency and cynicism, but then you can’t complain when this lunacy affects you and those you care about, as well as all of us. This is how holocausts happen–when people think it can’t happen to them, and do nothing.
If you’re still on the fence, please reconsider, and vote tomorrow. Your boss must allow you time off to vote, and rides are available.
This is not intended to guilt or shame anyone. It’s a sincere plea to help make a difference, regardless of what your friends or family think or do. Your vote absolutely matters, now more than ever.
Thanks! And now back to your regularly scheduled boring stuff. Also some ‘shrooms.