Well. What can I say, it’s Tennessee, now considered redder than Texas! Blah. So disappointing. But this morning was a new day.
I have to remind myself of all the fine and worthwhile reasons we moved here. Plus Dems did win back the House, so that’s a big deal. Now maybe they can investigate and incriminate our evil dictator, and block some of his heinous moves.
Maybe not in our lifetime, but one day TN will come around. In the meantime, we do what we can to be the difference in lives we encounter, and try not to get too discouraged.
Here are the two cats reenacting the election, complete with loud howls and growls. I’m not sure this video will open, but trust me, it was quite a standoff. Video1107180821_1 . Here’s a photo instead.
Today we continued the repairs, scrubbing bathrooms, and hanging new curtains in the kids’ rooms at my son’s, while a plumber did the more extreme fixes. We’re almost ready for the kids to descend upon Avdi for Thanksgiving. Here are colors up the mountain, and in the kitchen. Cheers to a better future TN.