
It’s erev, so my son is here working, sharing our meal, napping, and otherwise hanging out, i.e. my favorite day of the week.

Last night it was so cold, everything froze.  Avdi couldn’t even get up his driveway, he had to park and hike it.  I hear it’s like a blizzard up north, while in California, catastrophic wildfires continue to leave a desolate wasteland in their wake.  So I can’t complain on this pleasant sunny 50° day, headed for ~60 later in the week.

Here’s E puttering with her antique 1901-ish Singer, which she used to sew up some drapes for the grandkids’ rooms, and Avdi working in the office.  It’s so domestic.


Here are some of the last of the flowers and colorful leaves.

And here is kitty doing what she does best.

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