My son was back yesterday, filling us in on his fabulous Australia trip. The blast of freezing cold after two weeks in paradise was just the tip of the iceberg of the culture shock he was experiencing being back here. We tried our best to give him a warm welcome and remind him he always has a home with us. Here is his “WTF am I doing back in the USA” look! I can relate.
Similarly, here is Misu’s “are you kidding, it’s f!@#ing frigid out there” look. Normally she’d be out stalking by now, but she’s staying on the warm side today. And I’d be out there trying to find something not dead to photograph, but must be content with indoor succulents. Right now we’re under a “freezing dense fog” advisory–that’s a new one to me. Climate change is always full of new surprises.
This is the day E’s son died, decades ago, so this is always a difficult month for her, especially with zero family emotional support. He would have been just about my son’s age now. One more reason I always feel fortunate just knowing my son is alive somewhere–preferably nearby! I never take that for granted.