Here are scenes from the delightful gathering of friends that my son hosted at his house yesterday.
After wandering like a pilgrimage from one closed venue to another (Murvul on a Sunday, go figure!), we all finally convened up on Mt. Grimm, fortunately not icy that day, via a beer/munchies run. (Which was funny and ironic; after all the trouble Avdi went to finding us a more accessible place to meet, we ended up back to my original evil plan!)
Of course it was a great place for people’s kids to play while the grownups chilled and talked. D even brought out and displayed her brilliant pipe cleaner figure creations, to the amazement of all. (Sorry about the poor photo quality; my so-called “phone” sucks.)
I for one had a blast, and I think so did everyone, thanks to Avdi’s generous hospitality. I must say he has good taste in friends! I think we all would agree it was an excellent gathering. Some good conversations were had.
Before the pilgrimage, E and Avdi worked on the drapery project in the kids’ rooms, while I “supervised”, i.e., hung around, took some outdoor shots, and played with cats.